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About Us

Cherie and Niki met as coworkers, but quickly realized that they both love Rom-Coms and Hallmark movies. 

Over time, they realized they wanted to share their thoughts and opinions on various tv programs. They are just beginning  their podcast! Stay tuned as they navigate this crazy podcast world!

Meet the Girls


Cherie is a die-hard romantic … as long as the romance is directed at someone else. In addition to the TV watching, she is an avid reader and crafter, devoting her time mostly to sewing clothes/costumes and knitting. But don’t worry, she does get outside and is slowly hiking her way through all 1,420 feet of trails in the White Mountains of NH.

Niki Is your typical 20- something with a lot of heart. Born and raised in Wisconsin, Niki moved across country to pursue a new career. Now, four years later, she has a lot of opinions and sarcasm she wishes to share with the world.    

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